Two Days of Chess in the Loop

If you work or study downtown, swing by and visit us in Federal Plaza at Dearborn and Adams streets this Thursday and Friday, May 23 and 24, from 9 AM to 4 PM. We'll have chess tables set up and volunteers ready to play a game, teach the rules or demonstrate tactics to any and all comers. We'll also be talking about our mission and, of course, soliciting donations to help us open our doors. Bring a friend along and help us spread the word about Chicago's soon-to-be newest civic and educational institution. The more guests who visit, the more likely we'll hold more events like this one in the coming months.

Update, May 23, 11:30 AM: We said we'd be in Federal Plaza rain or shine . . . we didn't bargain on the wind. When it picked one of our tables up off the ground and flipped it over, we decided to call it a day. Come visit us tomorrow, when the weather is supposed to be much nicer!